The Registry department constitutes the main point of activities of the Institution’s administration.   The Registrar heads the department and is responsible to the Provost for the day to day administration  of the College.



The Registrar heads the Registry department, and is responsible to the Provost for the day to day administration of the  College.  He is also the Secretary  to the College Governing Council,  The Academic Board, the Congregation, and all

Statutory bodies in the College



To make the Registry department effective.




The Registry department has the following divisions:-


  1. Academic Affairs Division

The Academic Affairs Division is saddled with the following responsibilities

i           Processing of Admissions

ii          Registration of Students

iii         Processing/Issuance of Statement of Results to successful graduands

iv         Processing/Issuance of Certificates to successful graduands

v         Processing of Transcript of Academic records

vi         Statement of Results/Certificates Verification


  1. Establishment Division

The Establishment Division is in-charge of the following functions:-

i          Staff Recruitment

ii         Promotion

iii        Discipline

iv        Planning, Coordinating, Directing, Organizing and Maintaining of human resource of the College.

vi        Staff Training and Development

vii       Communicating of official Instructions/Directives to all staff of the College

ix        Any other duty as may be assigned by the Registrar/Management.


  1. Council and Management Affairs Division

The  Unit is saddled with the responsibilities of running the affairs of College Governing Council  or the Enlarged Management Committee (EMC)  which can be

seen as follows:-


 i        Taking minutes of Council and Management Meetings

ii        Preparation of folders/records for Council Meetings

iii       Preparing reports (annual and periodic)

iv       Custody of Council and Management Minutes

v        Issuance of directives for the Implementation of Council and Management decision

vi       Coordinating ad-hoc Committees in the College such as Visitation Panel.

vii      Committees from NCCE and the Federal Ministry of Education            

vii       Handling of College Congregational Matters

viii       Assisting in formulating administrative proposals.

ix         Performing any other duties that may be assigned from time to time.

x          Facilitation of access to the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND)’  Academic based Interventions: (AST&D,)  and Conference  Attendance

xi         Coordination of National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) maters in the College


  1. Students’ Affairs Division

The Students’ Affairs Division is one of the most sensitive divisions in the College.  It

is vested with the following responsibilities:

  • Looking after the general welfare of the  students
  • Supervising the activities of Students’ Union  Government (SUG)
  • Registration of Students’ Clubs and Societies, and the Cancellation of such Clubs and Societies where the need arises.
  • Allocation of hostels to students and ensuring general cleanliness of the hostel environment.
  • Handling/Channeling of students complains and grievances.
  • Suggesting/taking appropriate disciplinary measures where applicable in order to ensure peace and stability in the campus.



  1. Statistics Unit
  • Organize and conduct Statistical surveys as well as collection, gathering storage and processing of Statistical data for the College Statistical  Office
  • Recognition of demand for Statistical information and analyses and presentation of results of this work in form of proposals for all required elements (Staff and Students)
  • Conducting of analysis and generalization of aggregate data  and final information from Statistical Survey.
  • Promotion of knowledge on Statistics
  • Collect, Collate and  analyze  Statistical data reports provided by  School Officers.
  • Promotion of knowledge on Statistics to both Staff and Students.
  • Perform other duties  according to law or  as assigned by the Registrar


Admission Requirements into the College

 PRE – NCE  Programmes

a.     A  holder of SSCE/NECO  or with 3 credits and 2 passes including English Language in not more than two sittings.  2 of these credits must be in the relevant areas.

b.   A holder of TC II with 3 credits/merits in the  relevant area and some passes including English Language


a.    A holder of SSCE/NECO  or with 3 credits and 2 passes including English Language  in not more than two sittings.  2 of these credits must be in the relevant area.

b.    A holder of TC II with 3 credits/merits in the relevant area and some passes including English Language


a.    A holder SSCE/NECO or  with 3 credits and 2 passes including English Language in not more than two sittings.  2 of these credits must be in the relevant areas.

b.    A holder of TC II  with 3 credits/merits in the  relevant area and some passes including English Language


a.     A holder of SSCE/NECO or with 3 credits and 2 passes including English Language in not more than two sittings  2 of these credits must be in the relevant areas.

b.      A holder of TC II with 3 credits/merits in the relevant area and some passes including English  Language


a.     A holder of SSCE/NECO  or with 3 credits and 2 passes including English Language in not more than two sittings.  2 of these credits must be in the  relevant areas.

b.     A holder of TC II  with 3 credits/merits in the relevant area and some passes including English Language



a.     A holder of SSCE/NECO or with 3 credits and 2 passes including English Language in not more than two


  The College offers NCE Sciences in the following combinations

     sittings.  2 of these credits must be in the relevant areas

b    A holder of TC II with 3 credits/merits in the relevant  area and some passes including English Language.

   i  Mathematics/Computer  
   ii  Physics/Computer  
  iii Mathematics/Integrated Science  
  iv  Physics/Integrated Science  
   v  Chemistry/Integrated Science  
   vi Biology/Integrated Science  
   vii Physics/Mathematics  
   viii Chemistry/Mathematics  
   ix Biology/Chemistry  
   x Mathematics/Physics  


































a.     Senior Secondary School (SSCE) or GCE ‘O’ Level/NECO with passes  in 5 subject including English and Mathematics  three of which must be at credit level at the same sitting or four credits at two sitting.


b.     A grade II Teachers Certificate (TCII) with credit or merit in three (3)  subjects credit/merit in Agricutural Science and General Science or Integrated Science are require.


c.      For candidates  transiting from College organizing Pre-NCE programme, a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.0 is required for absorption into direct NCE Agricultural Education programme


d.      All candidates wishing to be considered for admission must enroll for and write the  selection examination organized by an accredited body such as JAMB







a.      A Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or General Certificate of Education ordinary level with Passes  in five (5) subjects including English and

Mathematics, three (3) of which  must  be at credit Level at the same or four credit at two sittings, two Sittings, two of the credits must be relevant to the Course the candidate wishes to offer.


b.       A Grade II Teachers Certificate (TC II)  with credit or merit in three (3) subjects, two (2) of which must be relevant to the course the candidate wishes to offer.


c.       All candidates wishing to be considered for admission must   enroll for and write the selection examination organized by  an accredited body such as JAMB.


d.      Successful candidate in the Pre-NCE final examination who also take and succeed in a selection examination organized  by an accredited body are qualify for admission.

e.      A Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) or General Certificate of  Education ordinary level with Pass in at least  five (5)  of the following subjects.

Clothing and  Textile, Food and Nutrition, Home Management, Biology/Physics, Chemistry, Textile and related arts, Integrated Science, Economics, Agricultural Science, Physical and Health Education.





























a     A Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE)or GCE “O” Level or NECO   with passes in five (5) subjects including English Language , three (3) of which  must be at credit level at the same sitting or four credit at two sitting, two of the credits must be relevant to the course the candidates wishes to offer.  Credits  in English and or Mathematics may be required.


b.      A Grade II Teachers Certificate (TCII)  with credit or merit in three  (3)  subjects two of which  must be relevant to the course the candidate wishes to offer. credit/merit in English Language and/or Mathematics may be required.

c        All candidates wishing to be considered for admission must enroll for and write the selection examination  organized by the accredited body such as JAMB.

S/NO                  DEPARTMENT                ENTRY REQUIREMENT

a.         A Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE)  or GCE “O” Level  with passes in five (5) subjects including English  Language , three of which must be at credit Level in the same sitting or four credit at two sittings, two of the credits must be relevant to the course the candidates wishes to study, credit in English and/or Mathematics may be required.


b.         A Grade II Teachers Certificate (TC II) with credit  or merit in three subjects two of which must be relevant to the course the candidate wishes to offer credit /merit in English  Language and/or Mathematics  may be required.


c.          For candidates wishing to offer courses in Vocational and Technical Education, NBC, NTC (wit at least three (3) credit which must include Mathematics English  Language and two other relevant courses R.S.A  or City and Guilds Intermediate Certificate with credit/merit in at least four subjects are accepted qualifications.

d.          Associate ship Certificate  in Education awarded by an approved Institution in Nigeria or abroad, is also an accepted qualification


e.          Successful  candidate in the Pre-NCE final examination who also take and succeed in a  selection examination organized by an accredited body will be qualified for admission.


f.            All candidates wishing to be considered for admission  must be enroll for and write the selection examination  organized by the accredited body such as JAMB


g.            In addition to the general admission requirement candidate   must have credits as SSCE/NECO  level in two relevant subject out of the three required and a pass in any of the following, Mathematics, physics, Chemistry, Technical Drawing, Applied Mathematics, Woodwork, Metal Work and Building Construction or City and Guilds Intermediate/

S/NO                  DEPARTMENT                ENTRY REQUIREMENT
           WAEC Technical Certificate or equivalent in Technical Trades plus Federal Craft Certificate (FCC) with at Least a credit in four academic subject including Mathematics, Science, English Language and social Studies.



(The College offers NCE Sciences

in the following combinations)

         The genera admission requirement are as follows:-


a        Senior Secondary School Certificate (SSCE) WAEC  or NECO  or any other equivalent Certificate from recognised examination bodies with passes in  five (5( subjects including English Language and Mathematics.  At least three (3) of the passes must be at credit level in the same sitting or four credit at two sittings. Two of the credit must be in the subject making up the combination the candidates wish to offer.  Credit in English and/or Mathematics may be required some combinations.


b.        A Grade II Teachers Certificate (TC II) with credits or merit in three subjects two (2) of which must be relevant to the course the candidates wishes to offer.


c.        Associate ship Certificate in Education awarded by and approved Institution in Nigeria  or abroad is also an acceptable qualification.


d.         Successful candidates in the Pre-NCE final examination will be qualified for admission


e.          All candidates wishing to be considered for admission must write the selection examination organized by the an accredited body such as JAMB.

   i  Mathematics/Computer
   ii  Physics/Computer
  iii Mathematics/Integrated Science
  iv  Physics/Integrated Science
   v  Chemistry/Integrated Science
   vi Biology/Integrated Science .
   vii Physics/Mathematics .
   viii Chemistry/Mathematics .
  ix   Biology/Chemistry   
 x Mathematics/Physics .

a.      Senior Secondary School (SSCE)  or GCE “O” Level NECO  with passes in 5 subjects including English and Mathematics, three  (3)  of which must be at credit level as the same sitting or four credits at two sittings.


b,     A Grade Ii  Teachers Certificate (TC II)  with credit or merit in five (5) subjects.


c.     For candidates transiting from College organizing Pre-NCE Programme, a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.0 as required for absorption

Into direct NCE Agricultural Education Programme.


d.      All candidates wishing to be considered for admission must  enroll for and write the selection examination organized by an accredited body such as JAMB.